In this video clip from Fox Sports Net “Race Freaks,” Wally Bender and Matthew Moran of Maryland battle it out in the 2011 AP Class STA-BIL Finals resulting in a shared championship in the 2011 USLMRA National AP Class.

2011 National AP Class Points – Top 10

  1. Matthew Moran & Wally Bender, MD, 2600 (CO-CHAMPIONS)
  2. Pat Sullivan, FL, 2550
  3. Pete Sullivan, NC, 2450
  4. Tony Thompson, IL, 2450
  5. Lee Grover, NJ, 2350
  6. Tommy Hawley, MI, 2300
  7. Mark Moran, Jr. MD, 2050
  8. Freddy Burt, MI, 1950
  9. Vickie Nahas, MD, 1700