On this page you can preview, download and print the official 2021 USLMRA Racing Handbook (Rulebook) and General Competition Regulations!

Effective date for this RuleBook is January 01, 2021. It is the responsibility of the builder and driver to adhere to, and be familiar with, the requirements of this rulebook.

If you need a clarification after reading the regulations, you are encouraged to contact us.

Official USLMRA Rules Summary

The following is a summary of the official USLMRA Racing Handbook (Rulebook) and General Competition Regulations. Modifications should only be made after consulting the Handbook. This summary represents extracts from the Handbook, but is not a complete account of the Official Rules. Be sure to download your copy of the Official Rules!

Driver Eligibility
  • Drivers must be members of the U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Association or must race as part of a sanctioned USLMRA Affiliated Club (AC).
  • Drivers must be 18 years of age. Drivers 8-17 years of age can race with parental permission.
  • All drivers must sign a release discharging the USLMRA from liability.


Mower Eligibility
  • Events are open to all self-propelled rotary or reel style riding lawn mowers.
  • The mower must originally have been designed and sold commercially to mow lawns.
  • It must remain suitable for lawn cutting, apart from the modifications permitted in the Handbook.
Technical Inspection
  • Every mower entered in any USLMRA event must be approved for competition by Technical Inspection.
  • Any mower may be re-inspected at any time by the Chief Steward or Chief Technical Inspector.
Mower Requirements
  • Non-stock mowers must be equipped with an automatic throttle closing device.
  • All mowers must be equipped with an engine safety cut-off switch.
  • Mower brakes must be in good condition, operating on at least 2 wheels.
  • Fuel must be pump gas. The only additive allowed is STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer.
Driver Safety Equipment
  • Every driver must wear an automobile racing or motorcycle-type safety helmet.
  • Every driver shall wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, gloves and proper shoes on the track.
  • It is MANDATORY that all drivers wear an “approved for racing” neck support.
Rider Mower Classification
  • Stock Class: As delivered from the factory with blades removed.
  • JP Class: Class for kids ages 10-15.
  • IMOW Class: (Int’l Mowers Of Weeds) Front engine, highly regulated.
  • Prepared Class: Prepared (modified) drive train, engine, etc.
  • FX Class: Major modifications allowed.