Ron Marsden and his son Nic are featured in a York News-Times article by Candace Blomendahl:

Ron and Nic appreciate the way in which the racing experience brings them closer together as father and son. They also enjoy having the chance to meet so many great people along the way. The Nebraska Lawnmower Racing Association has about 40 members in the area, Ron noted. The group ranges in age from 12 to 60 years old.

“We have a real nice group of people we race with,” Ron said, from here to Maxwell.

The article also says this about the Nebraska Lawnmower Racing Association:

The atmosphere of the lawnmower racetrack is also something Nic and Ron really enjoy about the sport. Depending on the day, there might be a full grandstand or there may just be the people there who are racing. But no matter what, it’s a great atmosphere.

“It’s real good weekend fun,” Nic said. “It’s a good family-oriented atmosphere.”

Read the whole piece here, and way to mow Ron and Nic!