RobbinDreams Mowersports Competes At British 12-Hour (Part 2)
By Angeline Robinson
Here are some cool videos and photos from the 2018 BLMRA 12-Hour
The New York Post published an article
We are in this one, not our proudest moment, but we are here! Lol
This is a long video, but it’s great!
Origination of Lawn Mower Racing
By Angeline Robinson
After the buzz of the 12-hour wound down, Mr. Pete Hammerton, President of the BLMRA offered to take us around to some historical sites. He showed us the Roman road, which is still there, some of it paved over on the existing road, other portions of it still a dirt path going up the hill in the English countryside. He took us to see a historic Roman Villa, which was very cool. We then went to visit the Arundel Castle, which was amazingly breathtaking. After leaving the castle, we visited an authentic English Pub for fish and chips.
After lunch at the pub, we were off to the home of Mr. Jim Gavin and wife Mary. It was truly an honor to be invited into the home of royalty! Yes, I said royalty! Although they are just everyday citizens to most over there, Mr. Jim is royalty to us! He founded this great sport that we all love so much. Hearing stories and tales of times past was wonderful. They were quite inviting to us all, and we had a lovely visit.
(The original 12-hour racing field)
Upon leaving Mr. Jim’s house, yes, I was misty-eyed for all concerned, we drove into the Wisborough Green village to see Cricketers Arms Pub; the place where Lawn Mower Racing came to life 45 years ago! We saw the place of the very first Lawn Mower race track; it is now a park in the center of the town, still, a site to see for anyone who is interested in where Lawn Mower Racing began.
(The pub where Lawn Mower Racing came to be a reality)
We visited the St Peter ad Vincula church in the town. It was truly a magnificent site. On the church property, there is a meeting hall. Inside of the meeting hall is where “the magic” happens: this is where the BLMRA race committee still meets today.
We spent the rest of our week across the pond finding our way around. We also spent a great deal of time with The Dwight and Grimer families who make up the Dead Bull Racing team. They were nearby on holiday (vacation) with their families. They invited our family into their vacation all week long, which was truly special for us all. We would like to send a huge thanks out to these families as well for thinking about us, and taking your family time away to spend with us! We are now preparing for their big trip across the pond… look out Snow Bird Nationals 2020, the Dead Bull guys are coming!
(Enjoying a Sea day with the Dead Bull family)
Our visit was truly magical on all accounts! We would like to extend warmest thanks to the Gavin’s and to Mr. Pete for their hospitality and generosity. We are all anxiously awaiting our return visit!
(Mr. Pete giving both of our kids a history lesson)