The Witt Couple, 2015
"Truck Driver" and "The LAWN Blonde"
Jim Witt and Janet Witt
About The Witts
This husband and wife duo loved the sport of lawn mower racing more than anything no matter what obstacles in life stood in their way. Jim Witt was National Tech Director whose professionalism, technical knowledge and sense of fair play were exemplary. The late Janet “The Lawn Blonde” Witt, was the living example of courage, as she raced throughout her long battle with cancer, which took her from us in 2013.
In the News
Gentlemen, and Women, Start Your Lawn Mower Engines
The Washington Post, June 5, 2004
Florida couple conquer lawnmower racing, cancer
Jacksonville.com, May 15, 2004
Lawnmower racers rumble, slowly, into fair
Register Star, July 30, 2004
A Tribute from the 2008 USLMRA The Cutting Edge Yearbook
Look up the word “Courage” in the dictionary: “the state of quality of mind and spirit that enables one to face danger with self-possession, confidence and resolutions, bravery, valor.” You can put Janet’s picture next to the word. Janet had beaten two types of cancer when she retired from the sport in 2008, and as many of you know, never stopped racing throughout her chemo and radiation treatments. As her body weight decreased, her competitive spirit increased. As her bones because more fragile, her mind got tougher. Tough as nails, fragile as a hummingbird. Racing, pre-gridding, teaching, Janet helped tremendously. Gracious, friendly, supportive and calm are the counter balances to Janet’s on-track demeanor. A tough competitor on the track, a lady off of it.

Jim was the perfect “Ambassador to the sport of lawn mower racing”. A tireless and MOWtivated racer and key leader of the USLMRA!
He could talk to anyone; treated everyone with dignity and respect, solved problems and is truly a man with all the answers. Technical inspection and updating the annual Rulebook were his specialties. JIm answered all questions pertaining to mowers and rules both by phone and e-mail and graciously addressed the concerns and complaints with patience and calm. This was his gift. The bottom line – this man was the perfect individual with the perfect personality to perform volunteer duties as a staff member in the area of Technical Inspector/Director.