MOWklahoma… Oh What A Ride! By Angeline Robinson The O.K. Mower Racing club and the McDonald family were set to host the Midwest Mowfest in Claremore, OK on Friday, June 21 & Saturday, June 22, 2019. These guys have been battling monstrous amounts of rain...
A Change In Leadership: By Angeline Robinson Most of you know that Bruce Kaufman founded the USLMRA 26 years ago and he has held the presidential role within the organization for all of these years. Even though navigating this crazy ship that we all ride upon...
Miller Tire Returns As Official USLMRA Tire Sponsor The U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Association (USLMRA) is proud to welcome back M.E. Miller Tire Co. of Wauseon, Ohio as Official Tire Sponsor and presenter of the annual STA-BIL National Lawn Mower Racing Series Driver of...
BLMRA’S Simon Campbell Returns to America By Simon Campbell, British Lawn Mower Racing Association In 2017, to celebrate the USLMRA 25th Anniversary, USLMRA Founding Sponsor STA-BIL brand Fuel Stabilizer brought a team from the British Lawn Mower Racing Association to...
Avon Park Race Weekend Reunites British & American Racers By Angeline Robinson All systems were MOW during the March 9-10 weekend in Florida at the Avon Park Mower-Plex. Wes Pyburn, Josh Bence, along with their staff and their families hosted an...
Hello Racers And Fans! By Angeline Robinson, Robbin Dreams Mowersports After a very exciting first race of the year in Tampa a few weeks ago, the USLMRA is gearing up for the annual Snow Bird Nationals in Avon Park, Florida. Racing festivities will commence...