For a quarter of a century, people have been souping up their lawnmowers (yes, lawnmowers) to race for bragging rights. This month, the U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Association (USLMRA) and its sponsor, STA-BIL brand Fuel Stabilizer, will celebrate the 25th birthday of nationally-sanctioned lawn mower racing with an international turf battle featuring the British Lawn Mower Racing Association (BLMRA) during the 13th Annual St. Mary’s County National Lawn Mower Races. The races will take place July 28-30 at Bowles Farms in Clements, MD and will feature turf titans from 17 states along with the triumphant return of the British Lawn Mower Racing Association which last visited American shores in 2000 for the Rider Cup.
“When the British last visited America, they kicked grass with their own machines they brought from England,” quipped USLMRA President and “Mr. Mow it All, Bruce Kaufman. “This time the British will be racing on machines provided by their American counterparts, so anything mows!”
British Team members include current and former British and World Champions who have raced in England, Germany, France and Luxembourg. American racers include racing champions from Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, North Carolina and South Carolina.