Stay up to date with our most recent news and updates2018 STA-BIL Lawn Mower Racing Series Kicks Off at Florida State Fair
Ladies and gentlemen... START YOUR LAWN MOWERS!!!! This will be the battle cry heard all around the nation this coming up weekend, Feb 17-18, 2018 as the United States Lawn Mower Racing Association invaded the Florida State Fair Grounds in Tampa, FL for the...
25th Anniversary MOWER Madness
25th Anniversary MOWER Madness By Angeline Robinson I first heard this idea was coming together when we were all down in Avon Park, Florida in March of this year. Mr. Harold McDonald and his son Monte had their mower hoods in the works for a very special USLMRA 25th...
STA-BIL Celebrates 25th Anniversary With British Lawn Mower Racing Association
STA-BIL Celebrates 25th Anniversary with British Lawn Mower Racing Association By Angeline Robinson The 2017 STA-BIL St. Mary’s County National Lawn Mower Race Weekend is sure to be a grand memory that will last forever in the hearts and minds of everyone who...
STA-BIL Celebrates 25th Anniversary Lawn Mower Racing Championships With 80 MPH Weapons Of Grass Destruction
As Americans celebrate the end of summer this Labor Day weekend, U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Association (USLMRA) lawn mower racers from across the country will quench their need for speed on their tricked out weapons of grass destruction. They'll reve up their engines and...
25th Anniversary Challenge of Champions Race!
As part of the USLMRA 25th Anniversary Season, River Bottom Raceway and the Central Iowa Lawn Mower Racing Association is hosting the return of the Challenge of Champions Race on Sunday, September 3rd at 2pm. (Don't worry, the Racer Banquet is scheduled to end at...
In Advance of the 2017 STA-BIL 360 Performance Finals
From the Desk of Manny Torres USLMRA Director for Race/Tech Operations With the most significant event of USLMRA’s 25th Anniversary Season, this year’s 2017 Sta-Bil 360 Performance Finals event will be held at River Bottom Speedway in Carlisle, Iowa. The 2017 racing...
2017 STA-BIL National Lawn Mower Racing Series Season Award Nominations
If a USLMRA member would like to nominate someone for one of the end-of-the-year awards, please provide the required information using this online nomination form or by downloading the PDF version of the nomination form here. Click here to see the full list of drivers...
August 12 STA-BIL Racing At Illinois State Fair
From the Desk of Manny Torres USLMRA Director for Race/Tech Operations There will be two STA-BIL Lawn Mower Racing Series points races on Saturday, August 12, at the Illinois State Fair. As we prepare for the Illinois State Fair’ STA-BIL National USLMRA Points Race in...
Queen Acknowledges Jim Gavin’s Retirement
How did lawn mower racing start? Originally posted by the BLMRA here Lawn mower racing was started back in 1973 by an Irishman called Jim Gavin, who, with a bunch of mates had gone down to The Cricketers Arms in Wisborough Green, West Sussex for a few pints one...
Words of MOWtivation from BLMRA Founder Jim Gavin
On the Occasion of Jim Gavin’s Retirement as British Lawn Mower Racing Association General Secretary Note From Mr. Mow It All: Jim Gavin, BLMRA Founder, has recently retired as BLMRA General Secretary, turning the reigns over to Pete Hammerton. Jim will always...